23, 5, 2022

Varicocele Diagnosis and Treatments


Varicocele Diagnosis


Your doctor will perform a thorough physical examination, which might reveal a non-tender mass above the testicles to diagnose varicoceles. When the mass is large enough, it feels like a bag of worms. When the varicocele is small, the doctor might request you to stand, take a deep breath and hold it while you bear down. This technique will help the doctor to detect any abnormal veins enlargement. Your doctor may also order a scrotal ultrasound. The test uses high-frequency sound waves to create a precise image of the structure of the scrotum. The test is also helpful in helping the doctor rule out other reasons that could be causing the problem in the scrotum.


Treatments for Varicocele

 In most cases, varicoceles treatment is not necessary. Most men with varicoceles do not    experience   fertility issues. However, if the condition is causing pain, testicular atrophy, or infertility, you can benefit.

In most cases, varicoceles treatment is not necessary. Most men with varicoceles do not experience fertility issues. However, if the condition is causing pain, testicular atrophy, or infertility, you can benefit from varicoceles treatment. The treatment helps in sealing off the affected vein and redirecting the blood flow into normal veins. In case of infertility issues, varicoceles treatment helps in improving the quality of the sperm and sperm count. The procedure that we perform at LA Jolla Vein & Vascular on varicocele is percutaneous embolization of varicocele embolization.

The primary goal for treatment procedures is to help prevent the backflow of blood from the body to the scrotum, helping in cooling off the testes. Surgical procedures will help restrict the blood flow to the veins leading from the testis to the body. However, not all the veins are sealed off. The vassal vein, which is not subject to the same problems as the other varicose veins, is left open to allow blood to leave the testicles after the procedure.

Some of the clear indications that you need varicoceles repair during adolescence include pain, progressive testicular atrophy, and abnormal semen analysis results. While this treatment helps in improving sperm characteristics, it is not clear whether untreated varicoceles can lead to progressive sperm worsening. 

The common varicoceles treatment options include (La Jolla Vein & Vascular Only Performs Varicocele Embolization):

Percutaneous Embolization (Varicocele Embolization)


    Laparoscopic Surgery

    Open Surgery




In most cases, you can go back to your routine after two days of varicose treatment. However, it is advisable to take it easy. Avoid strenuous activities and exercise for about two weeks.People who have undergone percutaneous embolization tend to recover faster. While you may need a day or two off from work, you can return to your workout program in 7-10 days. If the treatment procedure is to help with fertility, your doctor will perform an additional test in 3-4 months. You will be able to see improved results in 6-12 months. It is important to note that more than 50 percent of men who have undergone the procedure have restored their fertility. Additionally, these surgical procedures are also crucial for teens as they help in slowing testicular growth.


Varicocele Diagnosis and Treatments2022-04-29T16:50:34-07:00

Signs and Symptoms of Varicoceles




What are Varicoceles? 

A varicocele is a term used to describe abnormal enlargement of the veins within the scrotum. The veins carry blood from the various body organs back to the heart. Typically, veins have valves that prevent blood backflow. When the valves in the veins within the scrotum don’t work as they should, blood tends to collect in the scrotum.

Signs and Symptoms of Varicoceles

Most often, Varicoceles have no symptoms or signs. As mentioned earlier, you will barely notice it. However, although rarely, the condition might cause pain. When it does cause pain, it might;

  • Switch from a sharp to a dull discomfort
  • Become worse over the day
  • Increase when due to physical exertion or standing for extended periods
  • Pain that goes away when you lie on your back
  • Impaired infertility

Over time, varicoceles may become more enlarged and become noticeable. Varicoceles are often described as looking like a “bag of worms” sometimes, the condition may also cause a swollen testicle, most often on the left side.


When Should You Seek a Doctor?


Since symptoms do not accompany varicocele, it often does not require treatment. In some cases, varicoceles are discovered during a fertility evaluation. However, you should see a doctor if you notice any of the following.

  • Pain or swelling in the scrotum
  • Discover a mass on the scrotum
  • You are having a problem with your fertility
  • When you notice that one of your testicles is larger than the other


For more information on vein and vascular treatment please visit our YouTube Channel.

Signs and Symptoms of Varicoceles2022-04-29T16:45:32-07:00

What are Varicoceles?


What are Varicoceles?

A varicocele is a term used to describe abnormal enlargement of the veins within the scrotum. The veins carry blood from the various body organs back to the heart. Typically, veins have valves that prevent blood backflow. When the valves in the veins within the scrotum don’t work as they should, blood tends to collect in the scrotum, leading to varicoceles.


While varicocele is very common, it is not life-threatening. In fact, research shows that about 15 percent of all adult men have varicocele. For most men, the condition will go unnoticed throughout their life or does not cause any complications. Although the condition is not dangerous, varicocele is a common cause of low sperm production and reduced sperm quality, leading to infertility. They can also lead to reduced testosterone production and scrotal discomfort. The condition often does not need treatment until there is a reason for concern about the associated problems. Fortunately, varicocele is easy to diagnose and treat.

How do they Affect the Testis?


While numerous theories exist, medical experts agree that they cause the veins to carry warm blood from the abdomen down to the testis. Generally, the testis functions properly at around three degrees below the average body temperature. As such, warmblood can affect the testis’ ability to produce testosterone and sperm.


For more information on vein and vascular treatment please visit our YouTube Channel.

What are Varicoceles?2022-04-29T16:39:28-07:00
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